Benefits of Craigslist Bulk job posting for Small Businesses

Post-pandemic and with the rise in great resignation, there has been a paradigm shift in the hiring process. Recruiting in the first place was never a piece of cake, and now it became the worst nightmare of small businesses. Many small businesses in the US are having trouble finding workers. Based on a poll taken by small business owners, the US Chamber and MetLife’s State of the Workforce report found that small businesses face many challenges. The polling period was September 30 through October 7, 2021.
Compared with June, 44% of small businesses are having trouble filling open positions. From 26% in June, 42% say they are now having difficulty finding talent to compete with larger businesses.
Many a time small businesses burn the candles at both ends to survive in the competitive marketplace and not being able to find the right employees feels like the last straw.
This is when Craigslist comes to the rescue of small businesses! To put it in simple words, Craigslist is like the classified section of a newspaper. Despite the competitive number of recruiting sites, Craigslist bulk job posting has managed to top be the largest website for classified in the world. Bulk job posting on Craigslist is what every small business should pursue, we have all the right reasons to say so. Here are a few of them.
3 benefits of Craigslist Bulk job posting for Small Businesses
Nominal Fee For Usage
Cutting costs is the first thing any small business does to survive during tough times. And what better way to do that than Craigslist? It’s the go-to website to get high-volume applications at a low cost. In the US, the cost per post varies from $10 to 75$( posting is free for some locations). You can apply for one advertisement in 48 hours. So make sure your title and job description is to the point and clearly list your requirement to avoid unqualified applications.
Freedom to Choose a Specific Location
Since remote working is at its peak, there is no restriction on choosing talent from a specific location. You can go all out and find that hidden gem! On the contrary, if the role is in-house, then you can only target your vicinity to avoid unrequired applications from outside your location. As a result of its hyper-locality, Craigslist bulk job posting has a great deal of potential.
Leveraging the Credibility of Craigslist
Craigslist receives traffic from all over the world, with 75.81% coming from the US alone. This stat speaks for the popularity of the platform. Craigslist is visited by all kinds of people around the world. It is your responsibility to make your job posting stand out amongst tons of other job posts. This can be achieved by being as specific as possible with your job description and being mindful of the location you choose.
Lastly, regularly track your job postings and keep shortlisting the applications and get in touch with suitable applicants at the earliest.
Dstribute is an on-demand job posting engine and job multi-poster designed for the modern business looking to recruit more efficiently.