The Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs is a part of the U.S. Department of Labor. OFCCP ensures that employers with Federal government contracts comply with nondiscrimination laws and regulations. During a compliance review, your policies and procedures will be audited. This process can be confusing to many companies, so it’s important to understand the […]
Ways OFCCP Non-Compliance Can Cost You
The Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) is a division within the U.S. Department of Labor that monitors federal contractors and subcontractors for compliance with civil rights laws. If you don’t comply with their regulations, it can cost you, financially and otherwise. Read on to learn more. Lose federal contracts Let’s say your company […]
How OFCCP rules and regulations affect your recruitment process
If your company has federal government contracts, it will be subject to the rules and regulations outlined by the Office of Federal Contract and Compliance Programs (OFCCP). These OFCCP job posting rules and regulations are primarily aimed at regulating organizations’ recruitment processes. Read on to know how they can affect your company’s recruitment process. Federal […]
Tips to Improve Craigslist Ads
Craigslist job posting is one of the most potent ways to attract potential candidates to fill various positions in your organization. You can leverage this massive platform of classified advertisements to reach out to people and showcase your job offering. Besides posting available jobs, the Craigslist platform allows you to market your business effectively owing […]
How to Prevent Ghost Posting on Craigslist?
What is Craigslist ghost posting? As a business owner who’s recruiting through Craigslist job posting, you should be aware of the problem of ghost posting on the platform. Ghost posting is when any Craigslist advertisement that you have placed on a website that’s visible from your Craigslist profile and email is not visible on the […]
Benefits of Craigslist Bulk job posting for Small Businesses
Post-pandemic and with the rise in great resignation, there has been a paradigm shift in the hiring process. Recruiting in the first place was never a piece of cake, and now it became the worst nightmare of small businesses. Many small businesses in the US are having trouble finding workers. Based on a poll taken […]
Different Types of OFCCP Audit
The Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) is vested with the responsibility to conduct periodic audits to prevent discriminatory employment practices on the part of federal contractors and subcontractors while recruiting, firing, transferring, promoting, and compensating their employees. To ensure you meet the requirements of the OFCCP, you should consider hiring OFCCP job posting […]
Best Time to Post Jobs on Craigslist
Craigslist is undoubtedly the go-to platform for people looking for anything under the sun—from rental properties and music concerts to services and household items for sale. But a Craigslist job posting can be an invaluable medium for employers looking for employees to fill various positions in their organizations. If you wish to grow your business […]
Why It’s A Great Idea To Outsource OFCCP Compliance
Equal Opportunity Employment And Its Importance There are several websites such as Craigslist & Indeed where employers can put up ads for recruitment drives to pick candidates best suited for the various roles in their organization. There exist a few prerequisites, such as educational qualifications, previous work experience, and salary expectations, based on which you […]
Tips To Advertise Continuously On Craigslist
Regarding digital marketing, many platforms have taken the top spot regarding the importance, interaction, and reach. That being said, an underrated name that many businesses overlook is Craigslist’s amazing marketplace. With tens of millions of users each year, this American classified advertising site can help you promote your business effectively and efficiently. If you are […]